Cie Breaked
Breaked, a purposely false Anglicism of the word “broken”, it is to be pronounced [brékeudh] with a beautiful Belgian accent. Under this intended misspelling lies the guideline of this company created in 2018 by Suzon Gheur: breaking the boundaries with traditional norms and clichés with and in the circus world. Throughout its shows and acts, Cie Breaked tells stories in which creativity and truthfulness enhance the power of the performances. It sweeps away the stereotypes in order to create new opportunities.
Breaked is an unconventional company which plays with the rules and by that, reminds us that our bodies are vectors of limitless possibilities where everyone can find its own way of being.
The work is based on qualities such as playfulness, joy, authenticity, raw and the true – always staying true to one’s inner self.
Having found her circus voice thanks to a project mixing hip hop and circus, a way of moving on her apparatus (the trapeze) different from the ambient sensuality of the aerial, a balance between poetry and brutal force was too rich and inspiring not to become her driving force. She is more interested in ergonomic and flow than strength and aesthethic tricks. She also tries to question the community and society as being the only true and normal, and is rather keen to show a diversity of paths to inspire spectators to be themselves without judgment.
The challenge is not to be moralistic but rather to set thoughts in motion.


When she was 12, her sister dragged her to her first circus class, marking the beginning of 8 years of addiction, testing every circus discipline possible.
Suzon then graduated from a masters in physical education in 2012 and passed her circus teacher certificate a year later. All in all, we can definitely say that Suzon knows the art and the way.
She likes being above ground, that’s her thing: she spends less time on earth than she does in the air. During her professional training she flew through Ireland, the US and Spain where she respectively did Vertical Dance, graduated from the Pro-Track program at the New England Center For Circus Arts in Cyr Wheel and Dance-Trapeze, and then from the Formacion Profesional En Artes Circenses Carampa in Trapeze and Teeterboard.
Today, Suzon performs for various companies and directs her own shows.
Nothing Without Them
The path to the creation of a company is long and full of pitfalls.
Cie Breaked would have never seen the light of days without the precious help of these partners of ours:
- Chantal McCormick, Fidget Feet
- Kathryn Cooley
- Biel Jorda – C.IN.E
- Irish Street Arts Circus and Spectacle Network (ISACS)
- Aires Libres
- All the artist friends generous with their advice.
- All the people who taught her the art of movement.
– little words from Suzon:
This is my website, a showcase to my glory, and it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Navigating the current world of ephemeral fast food, fast fashion, fast paced life can create, if one would want to compare itself to it, real anxiety and unwellness, especially for creative, sensitive people who suffer from the impostor syndrome.
Communication should be positive and inspiring, but is there a place to tell about the true path of life? With its ups AND downs? How to sell yourself, without nourishing this illusion of the easy perfection, but still creating desire?
This is my website and I remain a human being who suffers insomnia, who has enormous difficulties maintaining a healthy workout routine, a tremendous fear of others and their judgments, yet being hungry for their recognition.